henrymakow.com - exposing feminism and the new world order
Surviving the New World Odor
December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas!
I'd say "Happy Holidays" but last time I looked, there were no other holidays at the end of December. The fact that a majority Christian country must downplay the celebration of Christ's birth is yet another example of the Illuminati's subtle satanic control over mankind.
Almost everything we seek is a poor substitute for what we really crave, possession of our own soul. We never experience ourselves as spirit because we are taught to seek an illusory material or carnal substitute. Christ represented the Truth within. For Christmas, I am re-posting a popular article from 2007 about finding it.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
[Memo to Myself]
This isn't about storing silver coins or canned food or getting an AK-47.
It's about saving your soul, not your skin. It's about the tendency to obsess on the New World Odor, get depressed and become unbearable.
The situation is depressing. A satanic cult controls the credit of the world and rules through myriad proxies. It is determined to destroy civilization and institute an Orwellian police state.
You spend your hours addictively watching for new developments. Your face is pressed up against the shop window of the world.
You are "externalized." You can't go into the kitchen without switching on the radio.
You try to squeeze your sustenance from the world. But much of what you imbibe is poisonous: depravity, corruption, duplicity and tragedy. (Is that the point of the mass media? To demoralize and brutalize?)
Mankind is in the grip of a diabolical force that constantly strives to legitimize itself through deception. You can't overcome this demon. But you still control your personal life. Ultimately, the battle is for the soul of humanity. Why not begin by defending your own?
This means erecting a wall between the soul, and the world, and establishing a balance between the sacred and the profane. You need to shut out the world (the profane) for set periods of time and focus on what inspires you. That means turning off the TV, Internet and media in general.
Just as you nourish your body with food, you feed your soul with thoughts, sights and sounds. Your soul reaches out for beauty, grace, harmony, truth and goodness. You become what you think about.
What lifts your spirit? It might be a long walk, nature, hobby, sport, or music. It might be time with your family or friends. It might be the Bible, religious writing or meditation.
"Do what you love," Henry David Thoreau said. "Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw at it still."
You agree with the mystics who say happiness is within. It involves the possession of your soul, and not wanting anything else. By looking outside your self, you displace your soul and become addicted to the thing you want. This is the source of unhappiness.
The occult elite controls us with sex and money- the North-South of the mind. The courtship stage is a period when sexual feelings are strong so two people will bond and start a family. Sex/romance were not meant to become a lifelong preoccupation and panacea.
The same is true of money. The stock market is a giant casino addicting millions. The central banking cult has unlimited funds. To make us feel good, (while it trashes civil rights and wages senseless war) it makes the market go up. To fleece us, it crashes the market. Don't be their puppet.
The diabolical powers have been here for a long time. You have discovered their existence only because they signaled their endgame on Sept. 11.
Don't let them stunt or degrade you by obsessing on their iniquity. Restore balance by attuning yourself to the things you love. Be an outpost of happiness.
Part Two: Making Your Own Heaven
The world often seems like a stuffy public toilet without ventilation. This is because Protagoras' dictum "man is the measure of all things" is the official religion.
Modern culture mostly consists of reflections of our degenerate selves, a "wilderness of mirrors" as T.S. Eliot said. We inhale our own fumes. The religion of man is "humanism "or "illuminism" which deifies man.
Plato tried to correct Protagoras. "God and not man is the measure of all things."
We didn't listen to Plato.
God is now banished from public life. When was the last time a Divine Standard was applied to anything? When is humanity's highest self ever celebrated? That would be like a breath of fresh air.
This is about spiritual survival in a world gone insane.
We have a tendency to feel helpless, unable to affect faraway events. In fact, we are on the front lines. The New World Odor wants our mind and soul. We fight back by dedicating ourselves to God instead.
First we have to short-circuit their two main control systems: sex and money. We can direct our sex drive by confining it to a monogamous relationship. We can escape the money compulsion by living within our means, and disciplining ourselves so money is a minor concern.
Henry David Thoreau said, "A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to leave alone."
The truly rich man is the one who does not think about money. By this standard many billionaires are paupers. In fact, the more money a person has, the harder it is to think of anything else.
Why should we obey God? God is really the principle of our own development and the path to our happiness and fulfillment. We serve ourselves when we serve God.
God is synonymous with spiritual ideals: love, truth, justice, beauty.
Think life has no meaning? Life has intrinsic meaning when we fulfill God's purpose. We need to ask, "What does God want of me? What was I born to do?"
God speaks to us through our spirit and conscience. We don't hear Him because our minds are like mirrors facing the world. We need to turn the mirror around so it faces the soul inside and shows its back to the world.
Instead of blotting up the world, which makes us weary and sick, we focus on things that reflect our desire for purity, hope, beauty and goodness.
Instead of letting the world determine what we think (and therefore feel) we create our own world based on how we want to feel. That's what faith is all about, making spiritual reality paramount.
"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor," Thoreau wrote in "Walden."
"It is something to carve a statue...but it is far more glorious to carve ...the very atmosphere and medium through which we look, which morally we can do. Every man is tasked to make his life, even in its details worthy of the contemplation of his most elevated and critical hour."
By making our thoughts conform to our soul, instead of the world, we create our own heaven. All great religions teach us to control our thoughts. Our minds are altars and our thoughts are offerings to God.
"Muddied water, let stand, becomes clear," said Lao Tzu.
In the Hindu tradition, mind discipline is called "Raja Yoga." By learning to meditate, we learn to have constructive thoughts. The key is to treat your thoughts as though they were a stranger's, and edit them. If you master this skill of detachment, you will never be depressed, never go mad for the simple reason that
you will not be identified with a negative mental complex.
Christians might maintain their vigilance by asking, " What would Christ do? What would Christ think?" Christianity, in a nutshell, is the imitation of Christ.
Prayer is another form of meditation. Whatever our opinion of Timothy Leary, he had the right idea in High Priest: "Prayer is the compass, the gyroscope, the centering device to give you direction, courage and trust..."
How long has it been since you felt happy? Yes, it rankles that pathetic scoundrels control the world. But man is not the measure of all things. No matter what happens on earth, God is the only Reality. The earth is like a postage stamp. Look beyond man and focus on spiritual reality: beauty, goodness, justice and love.
We place ourselves in concentration camps before they're even built. The Illuminati is not likely to shatter the illusion of freedom. There is no better way to control people. But even if they did, we must be capable of joy even then. God is Joy and God is far greater than man.
The key is to ignore the crowd, which is manipulated by the Illuminati. It's good to be aware but we do not dance to tunes tapped out by degenerates. We do not gaze at mirrors made by midgets.
The words of poet Henry More (1614-1687) are also relevant.
"When the inordinate desire after knowledge of things was allayed in me, and I aspired after nothing but purity and simplicity of mind, there shone in me daily a greater assurance than ever I could have expected, even of those things which before I had the greatest desire to know."
Retiring from the world periodically ensures that we don't forfeit the only sphere where we still have power. It enables us to make a wholesome contribution to society.
As Paul Elmer More (1864-1937) said, "A day that makes me happy makes me wise."
Let's master the art of happiness.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
What will they think of next??
I just had to share this one! What the sheeple won't do to keep their Masters happy!!!
Boss orders female staff to wear red bracelets when they are on their periods
By Ian Sparks
Last updated at 5:36 PM on 30th November 2010
By Ian Sparks
Last updated at 5:36 PM on 30th November 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Oh What Beautiful Morning.........Oh What A Beautiful Day.......
My first phone call of the day was just amazing, my master employer, just called to let me know my services were not needed anymore, backdated to November 17......WooHOOO!!!
I should be really pissed off, They would like that! (I'm sure)
I'm in the Unemployment Hell of Michigan, been a part time, casual worker for these guys for 4 months, not a great job, but was keeping the bills paid. (most weeks)
It's not like I haven't been looking for full time work, but there just isn't any for a 50 something year old male in this area.
Just don't even bring up the fact that I've been working 30+ years as "productive" member of society!
Yup, I can hear it now..........you are just a lazy fucker........get up off your ass and get a job! You unemployed people just make me sick, why should i have to give up my excessive lifestyle just so you won't freeze or starve to death!
It's all good though, really!!
I'm just another little acorn fallen from the tree of life, no problem.
At least my Government is worried about me!
I'm kind of glad I won't have to worry about being part of the mad commercialism that is celebrated as a Holiday (Holy Day?)
One of the best gifts I have at the moment is the fact that I have nothing to lose anymore. Sure, I could still get thrown out on the street, or have no food or heat, but I have faith that no matter what happens, God in His wisdom will guide me to fulfill my Ultimate Destiny!
Having nothing to lose is actually one of the only freedoms "The Powers That Be" can't take from us, no matter how hard they try, short of Death, I really think I won this round!
"Me and Bobby McGee" says it best......."Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"!
So, My Friends........just keep "fighting the good fight", and "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Look up the passage yourself if your bored. (Hint: It's in a well known book.)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sunday Morning Sidewalk
Greetings World,
It's another Sunday,
............been to all my favorite blog posts, watched what the MSM passes for news these days (nothing of any importance, as usual :). The dogs have had their morning constitutional, and I've had mine :)!
Everything outside my window on the world appears as normal as any other day of the 18,615 odd days I have been on this little blue globe of ours. I should have feelings of peace and contentment, I should be happily chewing my cud, and following my fellow beings into the bliss of ignorance that TPTB are herding us towards. But I don't, and I can't!
For some reason, I just cannot convince myself that all is well with the world.
I guess I just don't fit in, maybe I'm from another planet, or race than most of my brethren. I feel alone and separate (sure, I fake belonging all the time, but it's only out of fear of being discovered), the places of spiritual gatherings filled with the righteous and the sinners are just as lost as the minions waiting outside of the bars and the liquor stores for their morning Soma.
The past month or so I have been attending a little Christian church, I couldn't bring myself to go in there today. Sure, on the surface it seems they have all the right words and actions going on, they are kind and friendly to your face, the Pastor reads his canned sermon and all of God's people said Amen!
The "Praise Team" sings their slightly out of tune hymns and the Congregation applauds their half-hearted efforts. It is all very typical of every Church I've been to.
The only reason that I've been going to their Sunday Service is because of this pull I have had lately to be part of the whole, rather than just being a solitary tree in the middle of an infinite desert. Unfortunately, once again, the alien-ness (not sure if that is a word) of my spirit see's through the illusion of their actions, and I perceive that all is not as it appears.
Truth is so very scarce theses days, nothing is what it is advertised to be. Even though the Pig has lipstick on, i can still see it is just a pig! When I point out the fact to others though, all they see is the Wonderful Lipstick and I am looked at like someone who should probably be seeking some kind of help for my perception problems.
I guess the point I am trying to make is..........if you are spiritually awake in this day and age of deception, you will always be an outsider to most of humanity. You will be left out, mocked, avoided, labeled, and generally despised by the vast majority.
But that is not really a bad thing, God has said in many ways that the Truth will set you free. Freedom is good. Being cast as the eternal outsider is a small price to pay for Freedom.
If you are feeling like an alien in your world, be happy......be exceedingly glad, You are on the right path!!!
Continue to use the special vision that you have been given, expose that which is hidden, condemn that which is wrong, turn the other cheek and give to those who are in need.
Finish the Race you have begun, the prize is something most cannot comprehend, but to those of us in the Race, it is our only reason for existence.
Keep your eyes open, and your spirit open to the Truth. Those of us who are aliens are not alone........we're just not in the Illusion of the herd (grin).
May your Sunday Morning Sidewalk be full of the smells of someone frying bacon!!
It's another Sunday,
............been to all my favorite blog posts, watched what the MSM passes for news these days (nothing of any importance, as usual :). The dogs have had their morning constitutional, and I've had mine :)!
Everything outside my window on the world appears as normal as any other day of the 18,615 odd days I have been on this little blue globe of ours. I should have feelings of peace and contentment, I should be happily chewing my cud, and following my fellow beings into the bliss of ignorance that TPTB are herding us towards. But I don't, and I can't!
For some reason, I just cannot convince myself that all is well with the world.
I guess I just don't fit in, maybe I'm from another planet, or race than most of my brethren. I feel alone and separate (sure, I fake belonging all the time, but it's only out of fear of being discovered), the places of spiritual gatherings filled with the righteous and the sinners are just as lost as the minions waiting outside of the bars and the liquor stores for their morning Soma.
The past month or so I have been attending a little Christian church, I couldn't bring myself to go in there today. Sure, on the surface it seems they have all the right words and actions going on, they are kind and friendly to your face, the Pastor reads his canned sermon and all of God's people said Amen!
The "Praise Team" sings their slightly out of tune hymns and the Congregation applauds their half-hearted efforts. It is all very typical of every Church I've been to.
The only reason that I've been going to their Sunday Service is because of this pull I have had lately to be part of the whole, rather than just being a solitary tree in the middle of an infinite desert. Unfortunately, once again, the alien-ness (not sure if that is a word) of my spirit see's through the illusion of their actions, and I perceive that all is not as it appears.
Truth is so very scarce theses days, nothing is what it is advertised to be. Even though the Pig has lipstick on, i can still see it is just a pig! When I point out the fact to others though, all they see is the Wonderful Lipstick and I am looked at like someone who should probably be seeking some kind of help for my perception problems.
I guess the point I am trying to make is..........if you are spiritually awake in this day and age of deception, you will always be an outsider to most of humanity. You will be left out, mocked, avoided, labeled, and generally despised by the vast majority.
But that is not really a bad thing, God has said in many ways that the Truth will set you free. Freedom is good. Being cast as the eternal outsider is a small price to pay for Freedom.
If you are feeling like an alien in your world, be happy......be exceedingly glad, You are on the right path!!!
Continue to use the special vision that you have been given, expose that which is hidden, condemn that which is wrong, turn the other cheek and give to those who are in need.
Finish the Race you have begun, the prize is something most cannot comprehend, but to those of us in the Race, it is our only reason for existence.
Keep your eyes open, and your spirit open to the Truth. Those of us who are aliens are not alone........we're just not in the Illusion of the herd (grin).
May your Sunday Morning Sidewalk be full of the smells of someone frying bacon!!
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